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From: "Money and Markets" <eletter@e.moneyandmarkets.com>
Date: 22 May, 2011 4:33:01 AM PDT
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Subject: Judgment Day for the U.S.A.
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for The United States of Americaby Mike Larson Dear Customer,
Next week, Weiss Research will hold the World Premier for the most important blockbuster we have ever created: JUDGMENT DAY for the United States of America.
On Thursday at 12:00 noon, one-half million investors will be invited to view this shocking video for the very first time — and they'll also be urged to begin protecting their families and their wealth with the three investments I recommend in that video.
HOWEVER — because of the friendship and loyalty you've shown this company, I want you to have the opportunity to view this historic video and to buy my recommended investments BEFORE they do.
So I'm cordially inviting you to attend the VIPs-ONLY "sneak preview" of JUDGMENT DAY for the United States of America this coming Wednesday, May 25th at 12:00 noon — a full 24 hours before the other one-half million investors get the chance to see it!
No registration is necessary: Just click here. We'll rush your free e-ticket by return email and you'll be ready to jump on my new recommendations a full day BEFORE they do!
I created this shocking new video for one, very important reason:
Last Monday, Uncle Sam maxed out his credit card. For the time-being at least, Washington can no longer borrow money.
Treasury Secretary Geithner is now using every accounting trick in the book to avoid defaulting on the nation's debts — even siphoning funds away from government pension plans.
Meanwhile, the Keystone Cops in Congress — Republicans and Democrats alike — have joined the White House in a deadly game of chicken — each side refusing to support the other's proposals to raise the debt limit.
The question of who will relent at the last minute is now irrelevant. Washington's incompetence has already sent a clear message to governments, central banks and investors worldwide:
America's finances are so out of control,
we have to PRINT MONEY and then
LOAN IT TO OURSELVES just to pay the bills!Make no mistake: Foreign investors are NOT dumb. They know that by creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air, we are gutting the value of the dollar — the value of the money we will use to repay THEM if they are foolish enough to continue loaning it to us.
Put simply, Washington is ALREADY in default: The U.S. Treasury is ALREADY repaying our creditors with dollars that are mere shadows of their former selves!
Look: Thanks to the Fed's legal counterfeiting schemes, the U.S. dollar is now worth 11.5% less than it was a year ago.
That means, if you had given Uncle Sam a one-year loan this time last year, he would now be repaying you with dollars that are worth only 85 cents!
THIS is why the prices you pay for gasoline, food and products that are manufactured overseas are skyrocketing.
THIS is why China is now a net SELLER of U.S. treasuries and U.S. dollars.
THIS is why you can expect the world's investors to burst the bubble in the treasury market whether Washington raises the debt limit OR NOT!
Mark my words ...
The huge profits you could have earned
when CONSUMER DEBT imploded in 2008-2009 ...PALE in comparison to the
profit potential available to you now
as U.S. GOVERNMENT DEBT implodes
in 2011-2012!In the LAST debt crisis — when CONSUMER DEBT imploded in 2008-2009 —
you could have more than doubled your money.If you had simply heeded our warnings and bought investments that rise when real estate and banking stocks sink, you could have earned gains of 56% … 134% … up to 369% with the ETFs that rise when those sectors fall.
But in this crisis, we're not talking about a few banks or construction companies in trouble — we're talking about the government of the United States of America: The richest nation in the world!
And this crisis is only beginning. The Fed is STILL printing money like there's no tomorrow.
Recently, not just one, but TWO regional Fed presidents admitted that there's NO WAY they can stop or even slow down the printing presses as long as the economy is as weak and unemployment is as high as it is today.
Mark my words, Customer: It is now only a matter of time until global investors stampede for the exits of the U.S. treasury market. It could happen at any moment; today, tomorrow, next week — nobody knows the day nor the hour.
But when it comes, you had better be ready
— with the investments and strategies
I recommend in JUDGMENT DAY.In JUDGMENT DAY for the United States of America, I reveal why — when it comes to politicians' promises to end this crisis — it pays to believe NOTHING that you hear and ONLY HALF what you see.
And I document why, at a time like this, the best defense for your family is a strong offense.
PLUS ...
- I expose the four major moves global mega-investors are making now to shield their money from the downfall of U.S. treasuries and the dollar — and how you can profit from each one ...
- I reveal the massive gains you could have earned in the consumer debt crisis of 2008 and 2009 — and why they are little more than a TANTALIZING TASTE of the profit potential available to you now, in the far-larger GOVERNMENT debt crisis of 2011-2012, and ...
- I give you a practical action plan for protecting your family and your wealth, and ...
- I recommend THREE investments you should make immediately to for maximum protection and to go for profits as this great debt crisis continues to intensify.
The world premier for JUDGMENT DAY for the United States of America
is next Thursday, May 26 at 12:00 noon.But to help you buy the investments I recommend FIRST, I'm inviting YOU to attend the VIPs-ONLY "sneak preview" 24 hours in advance! Again ...
No registration is necessary: Just click here. We'll rush your free e-ticket by return email and you'll be ready to jump on my new recommendations a full day BEFORE the half-million other investors!
Best wishes,
Mike Larson
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