Tuesday, July 27, 2010



The newly created BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF (ZRE) offers investors instant access to Canada's REIT market with one single trade. The BMO ETF has better diversification than the iShares REIT ETF (XRE) by holding more names and by using an equally weighted process. Because the iShares product uses a market cap weighting methodology, the top 5 holdings (RioCan, H&R, CREIT, Boardwalk and Calloway) account for 68% of the portfolio. RioCan alone represents 25% of the iShares ETF. By contrast the BMO ETF holds 17 REITs with each name accounting for about 6% of the portfolio. The BMO ETF also provides exposure to some smaller REITs such as Allied Properties and Crombie. The BMO ETF currently yields 7.4%.


Think Dividends said...
BMO Equal Weight REITs ETF Holdings: - Allied Properties REIT - Artis REIT - Boardwalk REIT - Calloway REIT - Canadian REIT - Cdn Apartment Prop REIT - Chartwell Sr Housing REIT - Cominar REIT - Crombie REIT - Dundee REIT - Extendicare REIT - H&R REIT - InnVest REIT - Morguard REIT - Northern Property REIT - Primaris Retail REIT - RioCan REIT ...

Buffett gives nod to index funds over ETFs

Buffett gives nod to index funds over ETFs

'Nobody encouraging you to trade it next week,' legendary investor says

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By John Spence, MarketWatch
BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- The world's most celebrated investor has nothing against exchange-traded funds, but given a choice he recommended sticking to plain-vanilla and low-cost index mutual funds because the temptation to engage in potentially self-destructive trading isn't as great.
Appearing Monday morning on CNBC from Berkshire Hathaway's /quotes/comstock/13*!brk.a/quotes/nls/brk.a (BRK.A 117,700, -300.00, -0.25%) /quotes/comstock/13*!brk.b/quotes/nls/brk.b (BRK.B 78.51, -0.21, -0.27%) annual shareholder meeting in Omaha, Neb., Chairman Warren Buffett reiterated his view that for most small investors who don't have time to research individual companies, cheap index funds are the best way to invest in the stock market.
"The best way in my view is to just buy a low-cost index fund and keep buying it regularly over time, because you'll be buying into a wonderful industry, which in effect is all of American industry," Buffett told CNBC anchor Liz Claman.
"If you buy it over time, you won't buy at the bottom, but you won't buy it all at the top either," the billionaire investor said.
/quotes/comstock/21z!i1:in\x SPX 1,114, -1.17, -0.10%
In contrast to mutual funds run by portfolio managers actively picking stocks, broad-based index funds attempt to deliver market performance by tracking popular benchmarks such as the S&P 500 /quotes/comstock/21z!i1:in\x (SPX 1,114, -1.17, -0.10%) . This straightforward approach generally allows index funds to charge lower fees than actively managed funds.
"If you have 2% a year of your funds being eaten up by fees you're going to have a hard time matching an index fund in my view," Buffett said. "People ought to sit back and relax and keep accumulating over time."
He also weighed in on the debate surrounding traditional index funds and their newer cousins, ETFs, which are baskets of securities that trade on exchanges and are bought and sold like individual stocks. ETFs also track indexes, but unlike index funds they can be bought and sold throughout the trading day. Mutual funds, on the other hand, are priced once a day at the market close.
"I have nothing against ETFs, but I really think an index fund that just charges a few basis points for management is pretty hard to beat," Buffett said. "You put it away, you have nobody encouraging you to trade it next week or next month ... your broker isn't going to be on you."
Numerous academic studies have shown that individual investors have a bad track record at timing stock-market moves, often because they chase recent performance to their detriment, essentially buying high and selling low.
Another renowned investor, Vanguard Group founder John Bogle, in television appearances and articles also has expressed reservations about ETFs because they're easy to trade. Bogle, who stepped down as Vanguard's chief executive in 1996, is credited with popularizing index funds with retail investors.
Vanguard is best known for its low-cost index funds, but the company also has made a somewhat controversial entry into the booming ETF business.
In a Feb. 9 commentary piece printed in The Wall Street Journal, Bogle questioned the need to trade the S&P 500 all day long in real time though an ETF. (Dow Jones & Co. owns The Wall Street Journal as well as MarketWatch, publisher of this report.)
"If long-term investing was the paradigm for the classic index fund, trading ETFs can only be described as short-term speculation," he wrote. He also criticized ETFs' movement to narrower market segments and warned that brokerage commissions and taxes can ratchet up investors' overall fees when they trade ETFs a lot.
Yet in fairness to ETFs, Bogle said that if they are not traded, they can often match regular index funds. "In this format, used in that way, ETFs are solid competitors to their classic forebears," he wrote.
The tax advantages and low fees of ETFs are often touted, but a report Monday said they often end up underperforming similar index funds from Vanguard and Fidelity Group. See Wall Street Journal story (subscription required).
At the end of March there was $444.26 billion invested in U.S.-listed ETFs, up about 35% from a year earlier, according to Investment Company Institute.
John Spence is a reporter for MarketWatch in Boston.

Monday, July 19, 2010

富豪消费门槛最低1.1亿 揭赚钱的秘诀

富豪消费门槛最低1.1亿 揭赚钱的秘诀
日期: 2010-07-20
新闻主题: 投资理财

新 闻来源: 新华网

日前,“2010胡润富豪消费价格指数”在上海发布,调查显示,由于去年一年奢华房产价格猛增,国内的富豪们正在为进入精英圈子付出更高昂的费用。经 过计算,今年的“富豪CPI”为同比增长11.3%,去年同期为同比增长4.6%,今年的“富豪CPI”增幅是去年同期的近2.5倍。

“富豪CPI”分析的是58种与高品质生活方式相关的商品,也分为八类,包括:房产、汽车、手表、珠宝、烟酒等。数据显示,2010年顶级富豪消费门 槛最低1.1亿元。胡润百富创始人兼首席调研员胡润表示房产价格猛增是富豪CPI高涨的主要因素,一年间富豪消费高端房产价格平均涨幅高达45%。现在, 越来越多的富豪在创造财富的同时,也在不断地追求更顶级的奢侈品,他们的需求远远超过市场上的供应量。



  当被问到致富的秘诀时,富人的回答都很简单,大多是勤奋努力、节俭朴实和长期精明投资。美国媒体曾总结出9条富人理财的秘诀,虽然 这些秘诀看起来语不惊人,但其中所蕴含的深刻道理却值得人们去思考。


“7年赚700万”的博客作者、49岁的卡特伍德早年在科技业打拼时十分节俭。他说:“很多人在年轻时过度依赖信用卡借贷,结果是借贷吃掉储蓄,永远 省不下钱来。如果年轻时能养成节俭的习惯,赚的钱才会留在口袋里。”


《30岁以前赚到100万》一书的作者科里几乎读遍了市面上所有的百万富翁传记。他发现几乎所有的富翁都有一个共同特点,就是有无比的自信心,相信自 己绝对会有大成就。这个发现帮助他在年轻时就成为了百万富翁。


《邻家的富翁大妈》作者史密斯认为,想成为富翁就一定要有这样的梦想。一项调查显示,虽然美国是世界上百万富翁人数最多的国家,但大多数美国人却没有 成为富翁的欲望。因此本来有条件成为富翁的人最终却与富翁失之交臂,这与人们的心态有一定的关系。


亿万富翁川普在他的新书《像川普一样思考》中说,成功并不是靠运气,而是靠勤奋工作。他说:“很多人认为富人有钱是碰到了好运气。其实带来好运的是勤 奋,但因为勤奋多半会带来成功,所以人们就认为是好运带来了成功。”






最好先把自己的想法具体化,包括想住什么样的房子、孩子要上什么样的大学等等,总结出一个数字,这样更能帮助自己达到目标。这其实就是设立财务目标, 然后对自己一生所追求和想达成的目标进行分解,逐步实现梦想。


科里建议在投资方面应与大多数人逆向而行。比如现在股票跌得很惨,如果敢逢低买入,一年半载之后就可能大丰收。科里谈的是一种投资策略,而对于很多人 而言,关键是要形成投资的观念。中国人有储蓄的观念,但投资的观念却还在慢慢形成中。


百万富翁史密斯说,他的理财经验是想办法将收入的10%到25%节省下来。不要把钱都花在那些象征身份地位的奢侈品上,如名牌皮包、鞋子和服装、时髦 跑车、豪华庄园等等。一定要量入为出,不要被物欲所操纵。

Saturday, July 10, 2010


远离奢侈品的 富裕犹太人:他们是"华尔街的大脑"

Local Access打往中国电话卡1.3¢/分种
文章来源: 意林2010-07-09 13:47:29
  犹太人是世界上特别智慧的一个族群,特别对于金钱似乎有天生超凡的敏锐,按人均计算,他们是最富有、“财商”最高的民族。他们自称:“我们是上帝的管 家,人类的金钱应由我们来掌管。”

在纽约证交所周围,犹太人一群一群戴着黑色的高帽,两耳边各垂一根小辫子,身着黑色大褂,黑眼睛,黑头发,皮肤相当白皙。可以这样说,犹太人就是“华 尔街的大脑”。


几乎所有犹太人都知道房地产的真谛。我的一个同事亚当出生于纽约并住在曼哈顿,却一直租公寓而住。而他本人是高级金融分析师,每年能赚四五十万美元, 为何租房而住呢?

他对此的回答是:“知道吗?一般大城市的公寓都是租比买要合算得多。”相信绝大多数人的观点都是投资房地产能保值增值,然而亚当却告诉我,房地产里真 正保值的不是房子,而是房子下面的土地。

当你买大城市公寓大楼的一个单位,只不过与其他几十、上百人一起共同拥有大楼下面的土地。以曼哈顿为例,高房价高地税,租售比早就超过金融的合理比 值,也就是说远远超过以150个月的房租才能买下来的比例,绝对不划算。



还有一个犹太人———量子基金创始人之一、投资大鳄罗杰斯,他也一直租公寓而居,直到量子基金成功运转第7年,才花10万美元买下一栋不能住人的百年 老宅。


犹太人在金钱上还有一个特点,就是他们用钱时,把消费和投资分得清清楚楚。什么叫投资?以犹太人最专业的说法:“是牺牲或放弃现在用于消费的价值,以 获取未来更大价值的一种经济活动。”




另有一些我们耳熟能详的名字如摩根家族、雷曼兄弟、所罗门兄弟等,无一例外全是犹太人。可以这样说,在华尔街的大腕儿中,不用问谁是犹太人,只能问谁 不是犹太人。



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今日新 闻: 远离奢侈品的富裕犹太人:他们是"华尔街的大脑"
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Friday, July 2, 2010


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Pretty girl wants to marry rich guy = bad trade (a banker's perspective) + MORE COMMENTS

Pretty girl wants to marry rich guy = bad trade (a banker's perspective)

Something I picked up from the ether. The original source is some networking portal called Craiglist (such as Xing).
The question
What am I doing wrong?
Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I'm articulate and classy. I'm not from New York . I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don't think I'm overreaching at all.
Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that's where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won't get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she's not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?
Here are my questions specifically:
  • Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms
  • What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won't hurt my feelings
  • Is there an age range I should be targeting (I'm 25)?
  • Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? I've seen really 'plain jane' boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I've seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What's the story there?
  • Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?
  • How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY
Please hold your insults - I'm putting myself out there in an honest way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I'm being up front about it. I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.
The answer
I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament. Firstly, I'm not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here's how I see it.
Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a cr@ppy business deal. Here's why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here's the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity...in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won't be getting any more beautiful!
So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain, you're 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!
So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy and hold...hence the rub...marriage. It doesn't make good business sense to "buy you" (which is what you're asking) so I'd rather lease. In case you think I'm being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It's as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.
Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as "articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful" as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.
By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn't need to have this difficult conversation.
With all that said, I must say you're going about it the right way. Classic "pump and dump."
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.


Dear Whore;
I appreciate the honesty in accessing your true occupational purpose. At 500K a year, you've tagged your coochie at an astonishing $1369 a day! Quite modest, aren't we! But I admit, I'm still intrigued at what such an astonishing figure might offer, and would hate to miss out on what must be the best lay in the world. So I'd like to go for the daily rental plan to satisfy my curiosity before taking the big plunge on a nominal lease plan.
But before I commit to a rental though, a few questions, dear.
Having seduced and rented an embarrassingly large number of women, I must say you really need to explain your pricing. You humbly find yourself spectacularly beautiful, but really now, that's just your opinion. Just last month at the Novahotel disco in Bangkok, I had 25 different Russian Anna Kournikova look-a-likes offer a rental price of $150 a night.
As a man, I imagine my beautiful meter is far more subjective than yours. Since you're American, the odds are miniscule you're even close to as beautiful as them, let alone ten times more beautiful to justify $1369 a day!
So is it your sexual performance? Just last month in Thailand and the Philippines I've donated $30 a night to at least half a dozen girls who could star in porn today. Are you 45 times better to command $1369? Hmmmm.
Is your snapper gold plated and does it shoot fire? If it only shoots darts and smoke cigars, I've already seen that for free at Long Gun in Bangkok.
Maybe you have some magical pink taco that changes transmission fluid, carries my golf bag, baits my hooks, and morphs into a different 21 year old every night? That might be worth something, I imagine. $1369? Well...
Also, you seem naive to the game. Men don't pay for sex, we pay for the women to leave. It sounds like you expect to come back every day! Good grief!! The excitement of newness fades quickly, sometimes in an afternoon, so surely there must be some decelerating price scale as the days add up. Please advise.
Lastly, you don't speak do you? I don't like to talk to whores, and avoid cocky ones like the plague, which you clearly are.
Maybe you're actually some package deal. Do you have a fleet of hot girlfriends that give great BJs or something? When it's not free, I pay just $60 in Thailand for threesomes, and some of those girls sucked it so hard my ears wiggled and the bed sheets went up my butt. So what does a $1369 hummer feel like? Really. I'd like to know.
Geez, prostitution can be so difficult at times. This is hard work.
Warm regards, Brett Tate
Response number two has a slightly more cultivated choice of words.
I also came across your posting with great interest. I am a 28 year old Wall Street trader who qualifies as an eligible suitor under your $500k/yr rule. In fact, I make over a million and can usher a woman into a comfortable, true middle class lifestyle (not like those 500k lower-middle class chumps who have to make do with the junior two-bedroom).
I am sympathetic to your goal in finding a rich man to marry. The milk needs to be sold by the expiration date. But since this is premium milk, why would you settle for less than premium prices? I would like to address some of the questions that were previously missed by the other gentleman and provide constructive advice on where to find your match.
I also do believe in the efficient market theory, and am surprised that $500k hasn't found you yet. There are plenty of rich lawyers, investment bankers and hedgies to go around in this city. What gives? I think the problem might be that you have not been sufficiently focused in your search efforts.
The culprit, I believe, may be that you are also looking for qualities aside from money - such as looks, personality, and a sense of humor. However, men who have those qualities learn at an early age that they do not need money to attract quality women. As the saying goes, if you can get the milk for free, why pay up for the cow?
What you need to look for is someone who is long money, and short the other aspects. They are not easy to spot, since you are biologically wired to overlook and ignore them. However, the next time that you are at a expensive black tie event, and you are introduced to the short, bald, overweight man who fidgets nervously whilst making conversation with you, pay special attention to him.
Here's an inspirational story for you. An acquaintance of mine who was also an classy and articulate woman as yourself was able to land that guy - who also happens to be one of the top ten guys at Google. This is the type of stuff that gold-digging moms read to their gold-digging daughters at bedtime. Perhaps you need to make a location change to Silicon Valley - miracles like these happen almost everyday in a land where you can randomly throw a rock and hit a rich nerd squarely in his Kim-jong Il glasses.
And as far as his deficiencies go, they turned out to be not so bad. With hundreds of millions in the bank, she's been able to clean him up and give him a little sophistication. Think of it as a fixer-upper project with a massive budget (and yourself as a visionary real estate developer!). Although, I must warn you, it is a fine line you are flirting with - you must not overdo it lest he begins to attract younger women who are hotter than yourself. The trick is, you need build him up enough to be presentable, while simultaneously manipulate him into believing you are the best that he will ever do! That and having kids will be your insurance against your depreciation (or as I prefer to use the term, milk going sour).
I wish the best of luck on your sales project. As for me, I am also available for a short-term lease. However, for marriage I wouldn't consider a woman unless she can bring beauty, brains and self-motivation to the table. I do not want to dilute my gene pool and end up raising a bunch of Paris Hiltons.


一个年轻漂亮的美国女孩在美国一家大型网上论坛金融版上发表了这样一个问题帖:我怎样才能嫁给有钱人?   “我下面要说的都是心里话。本人25岁,非常漂亮,是那种让人惊艳的漂亮,谈吐文雅,有品位,想嫁给年薪 50万美元的人。你也许会说我贪心,但在纽约年薪100万才算是中产,本人的要求其实不高。
这个版上有没有年薪超过 50万的人?你们都结婚了吗?我想请教各位一个问题——怎样才能嫁给你们这样的有钱人?我约会过的人中,最有钱的年薪 25万,这似乎是我的上限。要住进纽约中心公园以西的高尚住宅区,年薪25万远远不够。我是来诚心诚意请教的。有几个具体的问题:一、有钱的单身汉一般都 在哪里消磨时光? (请列出酒吧、饭店、健身房的名字和详细地址。)二、我应该把目标定在哪个年龄段?三、为什么有些富豪的妻子看起来相貌平平?我见过有 些女孩,长相如同白开水,毫无吸引人的地方,但她们却能嫁入豪门。而单身酒吧里那些迷死人的美女却运气不佳。四、你们怎么决定谁能做妻子,谁只能做女朋 友? (我现在的目标是结婚。)”——波尔斯女士
下面是一个华尔街金融 家的回帖:
“亲爱的波尔斯:我怀着极大的兴趣看完了贵帖,相信不少女士 也有跟你类似的疑问。让我以一个投资专家的身份,对你的处境做一分析。我年薪超过50万,符合你的择偶标准,所以请相信我并不是在浪费大家的时间。
从生意人的角度来看,跟你结婚是个糟糕的经营决策,道理再明白不过,请听我解释。 抛开细枝末节,你所说的其实是一笔简单的“财”“貌”交易:甲方提供述人的外表,乙万出钱,公平交易,童叟无欺。但是,这里有个致命的问题,你的美貌会消 逝,但我的钱却不会无缘无故减少。事实上,我的收入很可能会逐年涕增.而你不可能一年比一年漂亮。
因此,从经济学的角度讲,我是增值资产,你是贬值资产,不但贬值,而且是加速贬值!你现在25,在未来的五年里,你仍可以保持窈窕的身段,俏丽的容貌, 虽然每年略有退步。但美貌消逝的速度会越来越快,如果它是你仅有的资产,十年以后你的价值甚忧。
用华尔街术语说,每笔交易都有一个仓位,跟你交往属于“交易仓位”(tradingl position),一旦价值下跌就要立即抛售,而不宜长期持有——也就是你想要的婚姻。听起来很残忍,但对一件会加速贬值的物资,明智的选择是租赁,而 不是购入。年薪能超过50万的人,当然都不是傻瓜,因此我们只会跟你交往,但不会跟你结婚。所以我劝你不要苦苦寻找嫁给有钱人的秘方。顺便说一句,你倒可 以想办法把自己变成年薪50万的人,这比碰到一个有钱的傻瓜的胜算要大。

Why does society applaud a girl who falls for a guy’s “big blue eyes” yet denounces one who chooses a man with a “big green bankroll”? After all, isn’t earning power more a reflection of a man’s values and character? Smart Girls Marry Money challenges the ideals and assumptions women have blindly accepted about love and marriage—and shows how they’ve done so at their own economic peril. In this brazen manifesto, authors Elizabeth Ford and Daniela Drake use cold hard facts, real science, and true stories to present a compelling case for why mercenary marriages make the most sense for future happiness.
Smart Girls taps into a growing, collective suspicion that the post-feminist world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Female “empowerment” has women working hard to look sexier than ever, while carrying more than their fair share financially. Yet sadly, statistics prove that: not only do women continue to earn far less than their male counterparts, they also suffer far more economically when marriages fail. Ford and Drake think it’s high time that women get their heads out of the clouds and start caring about their own security—the kind that can be measured in dollars and common sense. With an irreverent, straight-talk tone, the authors serve up a sound case and intriguing strategy for how women can truly “have it all.” Sure to spark conversation and controversy, Smart Girls Marry Money will ultimately empower women with a new way to take control of both their economic and romantic lives.