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From: Michael-Angela Tricityhome <tricityhomesold@gmail.com>
Date: 21 January, 2011 2:03:02 PM PST
To: tricityhomesold <tricityhomesold@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: JAN 2011 newsletter - TRICITYHOME TEAM - Michael, Angela and Feng
Highlight you in the real estate market
January 1, 2011
Volume 3, January 1
In This Issue
· BC Assessment-Appeal
· Updated REBGV market report
Contact Information
Michael Hsieh
604 649 3799
Angela Cheng
778 858 0887
Feng Li
Office Manager
778 282 8616
大温地区物业估价书已于本月第一周由BC物业估价署邮寄至各位房主手中。据BC物业估价署统计, 2010年大温地区物业价值普涨, Richmond因加拿大线开通以及大量中国大陆买家进入,住宅市场价值窜升17.14%; 其他地区亦表现上佳,其中高贵林房值上升9.12%。
如果和估价员交谈后,就您的问题您没有得到满意的答复,您可以提出正式要求,请省物业估价 复核小组进行独立复核(投诉)。您可以使用以下连接:https://www.bcassessment.ca/eforms/online_appeal_form_2011.asp
下载或直接网上提交投诉。不论您是通过邮寄,传真,递送或是网上提交,请注意截至日期是2011年1月31日。邮寄件必须印有2011年1月31日之前的邮戳。提交复核要求后,您应开始准备证据以支持您的立场。BC物业估价署可能会与您联络,复核您的物业档案, 也有可能安排重新检查物业。您会收到BC物业估价署有关复核听证会的日期和地点通知,请收到后致电BC物业估价署办事处预定您出席听证会的具体时间。本年听证会将于2011年2月1日至3月15日之间举行。您必须针对您的立场提供证据,供复核小组考虑。举证的责任在于投诉人。一般来说,听证会结束时,您将得到结果。书面的正式结果通知书将最晚于2011年4月7日邮寄给您。为了方便您投诉,BC物业估价署为投诉程序制定了一本详细指南。 这本指南可以在http://www.cscd.gov.bc.ca/parp/ 下载,或致电1-877-356-9313索取,亦可发电子邮件parp@gov.bc.ca索取。
如果您对复核结果仍不满意,您必须在2011年4月30日前向物业评估上诉委员会提出上诉。您可通过致电604 775 1740 或发电子邮件 office@paab.bc.ca或浏览 http://www.assessmentappeal.bc.ca/ 以得到相关资讯。
BC Assessment released its 2011 assessment roll in the first week of January 2011. Residential property values in Vancouver and its closest neighbouring municipalities increased substantially over the past year.
With continuing popularity with buyers from China Mainland and other countries of Asia and the Canada Line rapid transit route between Richmond and downtown Vancouver, Richmond showed the highest increases, with average values jumping 17.14 per cent. In Coquitlam, the residential property value increased by 9.12%.
However, some property owners might not agree with their 2011 Property Assessment Notice. Here are some steps to get your concerns settled: FIRST please call your assessment office. Their contact information is listed at the front of your Notice. If you still disagree with your assessment after talking with an appraiser, then go to the SECOND step – to file a formal appeal to The Property Assessment Review Panels by January 31, 2011. The Notice of Complaint (Appeal) form is available @ https://www.bcassessment.ca/eforms/online_appeal_form_2011.asp . If you are not satisfied with the review panel's decision, you can go to THIRD step – appeal the decision to the Property Assessment Appeal Board. The deadline to file this appeal is April 30, 20111.
More questions? Contact our office right away. Remember, we are only one phone call away!
Not intended to solicit currently listed properties.
2010年大温房地产市场经历了3个阶段。 年初房产市场在经济衰退后逐渐復苏,进入夏季后市场相对平静,最后在秋季开始渐入稳定期。
2010年大温地区MLS各类住宅物业的挂牌量达到58,009个,较2009年上升9.7% 。
大温地产局总裁Jake Moldowan说:"大温房地产市场过去两年表现犹如过山车。不过,近6个月的市场表现明显显示出市况逐步回稳的趋势。这对于买家卖家来说都是利好消息。"
The Greater Vancouver residential housing market entered three distinctive phases in 2010. Continued buoyancy from the post-recession recovery began the year, followed by a summer lull and, throughout the fall, a sustained period of stability.
The number of residential properties listed for sale on the MLS® in Greater Vancouver increased 9.7 per cent in 2010 to 58,009 compared to the 52,869 properties listed in 2009. Compared to 2008, last year's total represents a 7.3 per cent decline compared to the 62,561 residential properties listed in 2008. The number of properties added to the MLS® peaked in April and generally declined for the remainder of the year.
"The last two years have been a bit of a rollercoaster for the real estate market. However, sales over the past six months have definitely shown a trend toward stability. We think that's good news for home buyers and sellers," Jake Moldowan, REBGV president said. "The Greater Vancouver housing market experienced a modest increase in home prices in 2010, and a continual decrease in the number of properties being listed for sale."
Information Resource: BC Assessment and REBGV