Thursday, June 21, 2012

新贷款政策改变。 我认为对华人影响不大: ---- FW: Ottawa tightening mortgage rules; no more 30-year amortizations - The Globe and Mail

新贷款政策改变。 我认为对华人影响不大:
        1. 买房, 只针对首期款不足20%的客户, 最高分摊期从30年改到25年;
        2. REFINANCE, 现有房产,抵押套现最多房价的80% 基本上也够了。
  更多细节请看 》》》》》》》》》》》》》 GLOBE AND MAIL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This information was just released late today.
Appears from the Globe & Mail we are moving to 25 Year Amortization on high ratio insured mortgages and 80% on re-fi's.

Jason Wang | Mortgage Specialist | Residential Mortgages
RBC Royal Bank | Burnaby Main Branch Transit 00320
4370 Kingsway, Burnaby BC V5H 4G9 | T. 604-809-9264

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