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Saturday, December 18, 2010
APPLE -- Fw: Thanks for purchasing your iPad.
From: Apple <News_Canada@InsideApple.Apple.com>
To: computerdiy@yahoo.com
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 6:27:19 AM
Subject: Thanks for purchasing your iPad.
From: "Wang, Jason (VANCOUVER)" <jason.wang@rbc.com>
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 9:13:15 AM
I just tried it on my iphone. Very handy.
From iphone main screen, appn store,
Search "rbc mobile" // Jason, RBC,
Mortgage Development Manager,
RBC Royal Bank of Canada | T. 604-809-9264
RBC Launches Apple and BlackBerry Apps
Published on: 12/17/2010 10:08:39 AM ET
RBC has today launched a free downloadable mobile application for Apple iPhone, iTouch & iPad. The BlackBerry application will be available for download from http://www.rbc.com/ on December 20, 2010 and then on the BlackBerry App World on January 7, 2011.
Personal and Business RBC Royal Bank Online banking clients will be able access several functions using the new Apps:
- Banking – view transaction history on the following items
Product Account Balance Account Details Transaction History
Chequing x x x
Savings x x x
Credit Cards x x x
Credit Lines x x x
Mortgage x x
Loans x x
Homeline RCL x x x
Homeline Mortgage x x
Branch Investments x
Pay Bills - real-time single payments to existing payees from an existing CAD accounts (in CAD funds)
Transfer Funds - real-time funds transfers between existing CAD accounts in CAD Funds (including Third Party Payments - 3PP)
Email Money - Interac email money transfers to existing payees
- Find a Location Branch & ATM Locator
- Use my location
- Find a location
- View location on a map
- Get directions
- View Location details
- Contact Branch
- Contact Us
- Banking (1-800-769-2511)
- Cards (1-800-769-2512)
- Insurance (1-800-769-2523)
- Direct Investing (1-800-769-2560)
- Rates and Tools
- Mortgage rates
- Foreign Exchange rates
- Product rates
Note: The device needs to be able to make a phone call for the button to generate a call.
Application Download Options:
Apple Devices (iPhone & iPad, iPod Touch) can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes App Store.
For BlackBerry Devices, the app can be downloaded from www.rbc.com.
Starting January 7, 2011 you can also download it from Blackberry App World.
Both Apps can be found in the Finance Category as well as searching under RBC Mobile App.
When you open any package bank account or are completing an Online Banking demonstration or sign-up, remember to mention that the new Mobile Apps are now available at no extra cost.
The new Apps will provide clients with further options to be able to bank wherever and whenever they like. Enhancements and additional features will be coming through in future updates.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Fw: 小车的测试
NEXUS! - Traveller Declaration Card (TDC)
As of October 12th, 2010, NEXUS members may use a new, redesigned Traveller Declaration Card (TDC) that is now available on the CBSA Web site in PDF filable format. (PDF, 635 KB)
A TDC is available to all Canadian residents who are members of the NEXUS program. A TDC can be used to declare goods when returning to Canada by land or by air. It allows the traveller to make a written declaration on all goods that have been purchased, received or otherwise acquired, and pay associated duties and taxes, if applicable, by simply filling out the form. Any duties or taxes owing will be collected through the credit card information provided on the TDC.
Having the form on the CBSA Web site saves you time -- see how by reading our fact sheet: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/media/facts-faits/091-eng.html. It is important to note that the paper booklet version of the TDC is gradually being phased out. However, all existing TDC booklets in circulation are still valid and will continue to be processed in the regular manner. The online version of the TDC will eventually replace the paper version completely.
For NEXUS members who have never previously been issued a TDC booklet, no previous TDC enrolment is required to use the online version of the TDC.
Trusted Traveller/NEXUS Trial
We would also like to remind you that NEXUS members may take advantage of the specially marked "Trusted Traveller/ NEXUS Trial" line for CATSA pre-boarding security screening for domestic and some international flights (excluding flights to the United States) at the Macdonald-Cartier International Airport located in Ottawa, Ontario, and at Terminal 1 at the Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Ontario, and for domestic flights at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport in Montréal, Quebec. You will need to present your valid NEXUS card to the CATSA screening officer in order to gain access to this dedicated expedited line.
The priority security screening lane, which should reduce your wait times, is part of a pilot project being implemented by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) in partnership with Transport Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
Stay Informed on NEXUS news and program enhancements! Subscribe to the NEXUS RSS News Feed
Sign up to the new NEXUS RSS news feed and get up-to-date information as it happens. Simply visit the CBSA Web site by clicking on the NEXUS banner below. Information regarding the Trusted Traveller/NEXUS Trial can also be obtained by visiting the CATSA Web site or CATSA mobile site.
Yours truly,
Canada Border Services Agency
Aux membres de NEXUS,
Depuis le 12 octobre 2010, les membres de NEXUS peuvent utiliser une nouvelle Carte de déclaration du voyageur qui est maintenant offerte en format PDF et qui peut être remplie sur le site Web de l'ASFC (PDF, 635 KB).
Tous les résidents canadiens membres du programme NEXUS peuvent se procurer une Carte de déclaration du voyageur (CDV). Une CDV peut être utilisée pour déclarer des marchandises lorsqu'un voyageur revient au Canada par mode routier ou aérien. La carte permet au voyageur d'effectuer une déclaration écrite de toutes les marchandises qui ont été achetées, reçues ou acquises autrement et de payer les droits et taxes connexes, s'il y a lieu, en remplissant simplement le formulaire. Tous les droits et taxes devant être payés seront recueillis au moyen des renseignements sur la carte de crédit indiqués sur la CDV.
Le fait de pouvoir remplir le formulaire sur le site Web de l'ASFC vous épargne du temps. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire notre document d'information à http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/media/facts-faits/091-fra.html. Veuillez noter que le carnet de CDV est en cours d'élimination progressive. Cependant, tous les carnets de CDV en circulation sont toujours valides et continueront d'être traités de la façon courante. Éventuellement, la version en ligne de la CDV remplacera la version papier.
En ce qui a trait aux membres de NEXUS qui n'ont jamais reçu de carnet de CDV, aucune inscription précédente à la CDV n'est nécessaire pour utiliser sa version en ligne.
Projet pilote des voyageurs dignes de confiance/NEXUS
Nous aimerions également vous rappeler que les membres de NEXUS peuvent profiter de la voie réservée au projet pilote des voyageurs dignes de confiance/NEXUS par ACSTA pour le contrôle du préembarquement des vols intérieurs et de certains vols internationaux (excluant les vols vers les États-Unis) à l'aéroport international Macdonald-Cartier, situé à Ottawa (Ontario) et au terminal 1 de l'aéroport international Pearson de Toronto (Ontario), ainsi que des vols intérieurs à l'aéroport international Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau de Montréal (Québec). Vous devrez présenter une carte NEXUS valide à l'agent de contrôle de l'ACSTA afin d'avoir accès à cette voie rapide réservée au projet pilote.
La voie prioritaire de contrôle de sécurité, qui devrait diminuer votre temps d'attente, fait partie d'un projet pilote mis en œuvre par l'Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérien (ACSTA) en partenariat avec Transports Canada et l'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC).
Demeurez au courant des nouvelles sur NEXUS et des améliorations apportées au programme! Inscrivez-vous au Fils de nouvelles RSS de NEXUS
Inscrivez-vous au fils de nouvelles RSS de NEXUS et recevez l'information la plus récente, dès que les événements surviennent. Vous n'avez qu'à visiter le site Web de l'ASFC en cliquant sur la bannière NEXUS ci-dessous. Des renseignements sur le projet pilote des voyageurs dignes de confiance/NEXUS peuvent également être obtenus en visitant le site Web de l'ACSTA ou le site mobile de l'ACSTA.
Meilleures salutations.
Agence des services frontaliers du Canada
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fw: RBC offers electronic conveyance of HomeLine documents to lawyers and notaries
From: "Wang, Jason (VANCOUVER)" <jason.wang@rbc.com>
Sent: Fri, December 10, 2010 9:18:11 AM
Subject: FW: RBC offers electronic conveyance of HomeLine documents to lawyers and notaries
RBC offers electronic conveyance of HomeLine documents to lawyers and notaries
Published on: 11/23/2010 9:34:55 AM ET
Most lawyers and notaries currently have the option of using an electronic conveyance system for residential mortgage transactions initiated by RBC. The system is called the TELUS Assyst Real Estate system and enables lawyers or notaries to:
- Receive residential mortgage details and legal documents
- Return a digitally signed electronic Request for Funds and Report on Title and Security to RBC.
Lawyers and notaries can use this simplified and paperless process to enhance and the client experience and expedite transactions. (This system is now available to lawyers in the Atlantic region.)
The TELUS Assyst Real Estate system will now expand to include RBC HomeLine Plans.
- Fyi, from Jason.Wang@rbc.com, Mortgage Specialist
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
Fw: 观点:上海学生考高分 美国应警醒
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